Trust and Transparency in Artificial Intelligence – Join the SHERPA, SIENNA and HBP webinar

Trust and transparency in artificial intelligence (AI) are hotly debated themes and central to the responsible governance of this expanding technology field. The Ethics and Society Subproject of the Human Brain Project (HBP) has developed an Opinion to further the debate on key ethical and social issues that arise from the use of AI. It draws on findings from social science and humanities research, including a series of consultancies, webinars and workshops with citizens, scientists, policymakers and other stakeholders.

The document highlights areas where challenges to the development of trustworthy, transparent and accountable AI applications become apparent, including in the context of commercialization, international technology transfer, and dual-use innovation, and with regard to gender equality, diversity and inclusion. In response to these issues, the Opinion has developed six recommendations for the Human Brain Project, that provide guidance on how the HBP can address the ethical and RRI dimensions of AI in its final phase and the emerging transition to EBRAINS.

The Human Brain Project’s work package on Responsible Research & Innovation (RRI) will present and discuss this opinion in an open webinar organised together with the Horizon2020 SIENNA and SHERPA projects on 30 March 2021.

More about the webinar

When: 30 March 2021 11-12 CET
Where: Zoom
Presenters: Arleen Salles, Senior Researcher in Philosophy, Uppsala University & Bernd Stahl, Professor of Critical Research in Technology, De Montfort University
Discussant from SIENNA: Brandt Dainow, PostDoc, University of Twente
Discussant from SHERPA: Kalypso Iordanou, Associate Professor in Psychology, University of Central Lancashire Cyrpus; Nicole Santiago, Senior Research Analyst, Trilateral Research

Register to join the webinar here