Smart Information Systems and Democracy, Freedom of Thought, Control and Manipulation

The separation of powers, independent courts and freedom of expression and thought are examples of what we understand by “democracy”. Democracy is also interrelated with the growing use and development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Smart Information Systems (SIS). The future of democracy in the AI era is a controversial topic. SHERPA, recognising the contributions SIS can make to democracy and protection of freedom of thought and expression but also the vulnerabilities that exist in relation to AI, dedicated a chapter on SIS and Democracy in its Human Rights analysis deliverable which provides a short overview of current international legal instruments related to recognition and protection of democratic rights, as well as positive and negative aspects emanating from the impact of AI on democratic foundations of our society.

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Smart Information Systems and Democracy, Freedom of Thought, Control and Manipulation

The separation of powers, independent courts and freedom of expression and thought are examples of what we understand by “democracy”. Democracy is also interrelated with the growing use and development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Smart Information Systems (SIS). The future of democracy in the AI era is a controversial topic. SHERPA, recognising the contributions SIS can make to democracy and protection of freedom of thought and expression but also the vulnerabilities that exist in relation to AI, dedicated a chapter on SIS and Democracy in its Human Rights analysis deliverable which provides a short overview of current international legal instruments related to recognition and protection of democratic rights, as well as positive and negative aspects emanating from the impact of AI on democratic foundations of our society.

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Mimicking Technologies

In the year 2025, such technologies are becoming commonplace. With an ageing population, European governments are finding it increasingly challenging to provide social services and assisted living facilities to all those in need. The situation is becoming harder for those whose partner dies. The following scenario has been designed around this vignette.

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Dignity, Robots and Care for the Elderly

The SHERPA project has analysed human rights implications of Smart Information Systems. This briefing paper describes key insights of a case study on robot use in social care. The case demonstrates that discussions framed around the concept of dignity cause more confusion than enlightenment. Whilst ethical issues of privacy, manipulation, and harm through malfunction require urgent attention, proponents and opponents of robot use in social care use dignity to support their positions. As a result, neither succeeds.

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The Rights of Robots

The SHERPA project has analysed human rights implications of Smart Information Systems, placing particular focus on robots. This briefing paper reverses the equation and explores the feasibility and scope of the rights of robots. Although long-debated as to whether ‘things’ can have personhood, it seems that the discussions specifically around ‘human rights for robots’ have turned out to be highly controversial. The main problematic lies around the relationship between humans, robots and things: where do robots belong? What are the possible implications of gathering and using this kind of data?

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