SIS and Security, Dual Use, and Misuse

The SHERPA project explored the implications of the rapid developments of AI systems on human rights. This briefing paper addresses the threats these modern developments pose and the need to regulate and monitor their development across different sectors to ensure compliance with human rights.

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Moving forward on regulating AI and big data in Europe

There is much debate whether hard-hitting legal regulation with respect to AI and big data is required. Our research shows that the danger with this is its potential to cause unforeseen, adverse or chilling effects that are unintended in a field that is very dynamic and fast-developing. There are various proposals for laws, regulatory bodies and other regulatory tools and mechanisms to support, enhance or monitor the responsible development of AI and big data technologies. This briefing, focusing particularly on the EU-level, presents snapshots of policy and other stakeholder perspectives on the regulation of AI, regulatory options and recommendations on potential courses of action based on SHERPA research.

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