The SHERPA Project participates in the annual Paris Peace Forum  

On 12-13 November 2020 the SHERPA project participated in the annual Paris Peace Forum. The Paris Peace Forum is an annual event that aims to promote governance solutions across six major themes: Peace & Security; Development; Environment; New technologies; Inclusive economy; and Culture & Education. 

The SHERPA project was delighted to participate in the Forum, and join lively discussion and debate on best practices for the safe and ethical implementation of new technologies. SHERPA’s  Stéphanie Laulhé Shaelou from the University of Central Lancashire (Cyprus), participated in the virtual forum on behalf of the SHERPA Project. 

The SHERPA project was featured in two events: a plenary panel and project pitch.  On 13 November 2020, SHERPA’s Stéphanie Laulhé Shaelou joined the Plenary Panel,  “The values of Artificial Intelligence and  technology: Bringing ethics to the table”, to discuss the potential risks of AI, including privacy and data protection, increased digital exposure for populations at risks, and an escalation of misinformation and hate speech, as well as best practices for mitigating these risks.

Fellow speakers on the panel included H.E. Borut Pahor, President of the Republic of Slovenia, Gabriela Ramos, Assistant Director – General for Social and Human Sciences at UNESCO, Prof. Stuart Russell, Professor of Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley and Bertrand Braunschweig, Director, Paris Centre of Expertise, Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence, National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology (INRIA).

In addition, on 12 November 2020, Stéphanie presented a SHERPA project pitch that provided a general overview of the project and its goal to prioritise fundamental rights and ethics in the design, development and deployment of Smart Information Systems (SIS). You can watch the pitch here.  

Dialogue and debate are crucial elements of the SHERPA project, since the project aims to  not only develop ways of understanding and addressing SIS challenges but also to advocate the most desirable and sustainable solutions.