How can new technologies make cities smart? NEN signs Dutch city deal for smart citiesĀ 

As we have seen in the SHERPA case studies, municipalities too, apply new digital technologies to improve their processes. Municipalities are perhaps even more focused on the ethical impacts of these new technologies as they feel they have an exemplary role and are very aware of the needed trust of citizens for the success of these new technologies.

Dutch cities have combined their forces in a city deal Smart Cities (link in Dutch) to develop instruments for the successful adaptation of new technologies in their processes. These instruments will be scalable, even to a European level. The technologies will also take into account European values and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In an effort to promote the SHERPA findings in this area, NEN has joined close to 60 partners in this city deal, including larger and smaller municipalities, but also national and regional governmental organisations.

With the overall aim to develop instruments that honour European values, the city deal can benefit from the knowledge that was generated in the project. Additionally, standardization can play a role in the further development of the city deal outcomes into widely accepted and internationally available instruments.

NEN will participate in at least three working groups: open urban platforms, smart mobility, and ethics, and will become a member of the advisory groups providing guidance on how to use the results beyond the city deal.