Exploring regulatory options for SIS – call for feedback

Currently, the SHERPA project is working on identifying and analysing regulatory options for smart information systems . The SHERPA regulatory options analysis team would like to solicit your help to answer the following questions:

  • Has our preliminary research identified all the regulatory options relevant to smart information systems (AI and big data) for further analysis in the project?
  • Are there any additional unidentified options we should consider, especially in the EU context?
  • Are any of the identified options unlikely to succeed and/or should not be considered for further analysis in SHERPA?
  • What additional criteria should be considered in the review and analysis of each of the identified options?

Kindly review the scoping paper and provide your feedback on the above questions and the options identified and/or the criteria for assessment and suggestions by email to Rowena Rodrigues: rowena.rodrigues@trilateralresearch.com no later than 20 September 2019 with SHERPA scoping paper feedback in the subject line.